Sailor ink studio
Since 2005, Sailor has been developing the Ink studio, events in which the inkmaster color mixer, Osamu Ishimaru, shaker in hand like a bartender, although in this case without alcohol, but with inks, creates a unique tone for each attendee. Now, Sailor has created a collection also called Ink studio. Mr. Ishimaru selected 100 inks from 20,000 colors produced. In this compilation adventure born in 2018 and finished in 2020, the name of each ink has been transformed into a number, and part of the game consists of not trusting appearances.
As if it were a common thread, one of the main characteristics of these Ink studio that Inktraveler brings exclusively to Spain is the variety of shading that they offer us, writing or painting. Some even reveal different colors depending on the paper used. At Inktraveler we invite you not to look at the label of the inkwell to guess the color and to let yourself go by trying different shades. We are sure that you'll enjoy the experience as much as we do. But if you are one of those who do not like surprises, do not mind spoilers or do not want to wait any longer, you can consult blogs like this one, where you'll find samples of all colors.
Ink number label for converters included.
Weight: 94g
Vol: 20cc